
Faculty of Humanities Analyses US Election

In an effort to promote monthly cultural activities, on 12 November 2012, the Faculty of Humanities organized a lecture on the US election with professor Ernesto Pascual, an expert on the American electoral system.

Due to the timeliness of the subject, the lecture was attended by students from the Faculty of Humanities as well as other degree programmes. Pascual is a professor of Comparative Politics, Electoral Systems and Political Parties. Besides explaining how the American system works, he also gave an analysis of the results of the last election, in which Barack Obama was re-elected.

Among other points, professor Pascual discussed Obama’s problems during his first term due to the division he faced. “He is a Democrat, but the Congress was Republican, which meant that the actions of one party or the other could be blocked”, Pascual explained.

The lecture is part of a cycle of cultural activities that the Faculty of Humanities aims to organize each month and includes lectures, workshops and field trips.