
Faculty of Humanities Collaborates with Adam Mickiewicz University in Poland

A meeting was held on Monday, 13 February 2012, between representatives from the Faculty of Political Sciences at Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna? (Poland) and the UIC Faculty of Humanities.

On Monday, 13 February 2012,
the Dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences at Adam Mickiewicz
University in Pozna? (Poland) and
three professors from the same faculty visited the UIC for a meeting with
Teresa Vallès, the Dean of the Faculty of
Humanities, and faculty professors
Enrique Banús and Fernando Bravo.

purpose of the visit was to strengthen ties between the two faculties and
reflect on the cooperation that may arise as a result of the relationship. The
two faculties are considering the possibility of offering a joint, binational
degree programme in the field of international relations and cultural studies.