
Ferran Mascarell: Understanding People Thoroughly is One of Our Key Tasks Today

Ferran Mascarell, the Culture Minister of the Catalan government, gave the keynote address at the latest graduating class of the Humanities Degree programme and the Master's Degree programme in Cultural Management. The graduation ceremony, which was attended by about a hundred people, took place on Tuesday, 29 May 2012, in the UIC's main lecture hall.

The 30 or so students in the Master's Degree programme in Cultural Management helped give the ceremony an international feel. Enrique Banús, the director of the Master's programme, said a few words in English and stressed the importance of culture, which, he said, “has the capacity to change the world”. He went on to say, “It's true that it doesn’t come cheap, but what's even truer is that a lack of culture is much more expensive”. With that in mind, Banús told them that it was important to be creative, brilliant, capable of communicating ideas, and above all, human. He said, “Being creative, brilliant and human will automatically make you more accessible”.

The human aspect and the search for the truth were common themes in the various speeches given during the ceremony. For example, Montse Artés, the student representative for the Humanities Degree programme, pointed out that these studies “demonstrate the expression of desire that inspired great characters in history who were searching for truth and beauty”. She told the students, “The Humanities have given us great flexibility to resolve the problems that lie ahead”. Teresa Vallès, the dean of the faculty, spoke in a similar vein, saying, “The Humanities should not steer clear of the truth, even if it seems utopian and goes against the tide”.

Mascarell thanked the UIC and the students at the ceremony for “their commitment to the Humanities, since it is a vital discipline for everyone”. The minister continued by saying, “Indeed, understanding people thoroughly is one of our key tasks these days. If humanists don't bring it to the table, then who will?”

During his speech, the Culture Minister of the Catalan government spoke about culture and the Humanities as the only elements that really “respond to the great human questions - where we come from, where we are going - and allow us to move forward with dignity”. However, there is a paradox when “fundamental aspects often play a secondary role in society”, and he therefore encouraged the students to surprise society with their demands: “You are probably the best educated generation in the history of the planet, but you also live your lives with so-called 'liquid' values that need to be filled”.

Finally, Mascarell stressed the importance of culture, “which is so much more than a subsidy: it is an investment that people should be made aware of”. He concluded by saying, “If it wasn't for culture and humanism, our countries' stories would be hugely complicated”.