
Ferran Monegal: «If Audiences Determined Product Quality, McDonald's Would Be Best Restaurant in World»

On Tuesday, 9 October 2012, Ferran Monegal, the journalist and television presenter, gave a master class to UIC Journalism and Audiovisual Communication students in the 'Saló de Graus'.

the issues he discussed, the journalist gave his analysis of television today
and the media in the digital age. He also said that journalists "should
follow the flock and encourage reflection, but not try to lead the flock".

asked about junk TV, Monegal argued that, through
ratings, audiences are the ones that actually determine what is broadcast.
However, he mentioned the need to be more critical. "Quality doesn't
depend on audiences. If it did, McDonald's might be the best restaurant in the

conference was attended mainly by Journalism and Audiovisual Communication
students, UIC professors and other members of the university community. Dr.
Raquel Crisóstomo and Dr. Ricard Mamblona
presented Monegal and moderated the debate
following his talk.

Monegal encouraged the students to take an existential
stance, have initiative and gain experience in the professional world until they
find their own paths.

who studied at the former Barcelona School of Journalism, began as a theatre
critic and is now primarily known for his programme, TeleMonegal, on Barcelona Televisió,
which he has presented and directed since 2003. His programme of television criticism
has reached a surprisingly high number of viewers, a feat never before achieved
in local television. He has also worked for several newspapers and radio
stations. His articles as a television critic in El Periódico de Catalunya are a
point of reference in the field.