
Ferran Montaña, a second year Medicine student, wins the Rector's Go-Kart Tournament

The annual Rector’s Go-Kart Tournament took place in Lliçà del Vallès. In addition to Ferran Montaña, Alex Carbonell, a third year Law student, and Ignacio Ollero, a fourth year Business Administration student, also achieved places on the podium.

A total of 22 students took part in this academic year’s Rector’s Go-Kart Tournament, which was held again at Kartodrom de Catalunya in Lliçà del Vallès.

Ferran Montaña succeeded alone, after having also come first in the semi-finals of his group. Alex Carbonell achieved second place and also the day's fastest lap on the circuit, with a time of 1:04:299. And the bronze went to Ignacio Ollero, 18 seconds behind the winner.

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone who came along!