
First International Symposium of UIC Department of Management by Missions and Corporate Governance

The UIC Department of Management by Missions and Corporate Governance is organizing its first International Symposium on Companies with a Human Face to be held at San Telmo International Institute in Seville on 22 February 2013.

The UIC Department of Management by
Missions and Corporate Governance, in collaboration with San Telmo International
Institute, is organizing the first Symposium on
Companies with a Human Face.

One of the aims of this symposium is to
promote a new business culture based on people as the main players in
production processes, while respecting and facilitating the development of
their freedom, dignity and creativity.

Internationally renowned companies and
experts will participate in the papers, colloquiums and roundtable sessions
organized at the symposium.

The Department of
Management by Missions and Corporate Governance, led by Dr. Carlos Rey, a
professor in the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, offers a new focus
that enriches the traditional approach of management by objectives. It
integrates missions into the management system, positions objectives so that
they serve the mission and promotes employee commitment to it.

The department’s research
was initially supported by six companies from different industries that have
committed to conducting research into this new management model: Jiménez
(automotive industry), the main sponsor; Semillas Fitó (agricultural industry);
Kern Pharma (pharmaceutical industry); Aitex (textile industry); JJC
Contratistas Generales
(construction industry); and Industrial Química del
(chemical industry).