
First Reunion for Alumni of UIC Barcelona Master's in Periodontology

The first Reunion for Alumni of the UIC Barcelona Master's Programme in Periodontology was held at the end of February as part of the SEPA Congress held at the Palau de Congressos de Catalunya.

Over 80 alumni from all graduating classes of the Master's Programme in Periodontology and their lecturers took advantage of the event to celebrate their first reunion.

The ceremony was attended by members of the Faculty of Dentistry's governing body, including Dr. Lluís Giner, Joan Vidal, Dr. Montse Mercadé and Dr. Sandra Fernández. Department professor Dr. Mónica Vicario  and former Heads of Periodontology Dr. Lluís Giner and Dr. Antoni Santos gave brief addresses, and Dr. José Nart, the current Head of Periodontology and President of the 2015 SEPA Congress, gave a speech.

This first reunion was brought to a close with the presentation of a video that featured a montage of images of all the former students.