
First-Year Advertising Students Have First Workshop Based on MOFILM Cannes 2013

From Monday to Friday, 8-12 April 2013, the students taking the subject Television Communication shot television commercials for the Reebok and Tu-Me brands.

The first workshop for students in the UIC Bachelor's Degree Programme in Advertising was part of the subject Television Communication. The workshop dealt with the creation of a television commercial based on the briefings presented by real brands to the MOFILM Cannes 2013 contest. For one week, the students worked from the initial idea to the final editing of commercials for the Reebok and Tu-Me brands (a mobile phone application by Telefónica).

Students had the support of Eric Trometer, a filmmaker and director of photography, and Dr. Ricard Mamblona, the Head of Studies for the Degree in Audiovisual Communication in the Faculty of Communication Sciences, who assisted them during the entire production process.

The presentation of the eight projects took place on Friday, 12 April 2013. The jury was made up of Trometer and Mamblona as well as Mónica Carbonell, the Creative Director and Founder of Sodabites (an innovation and trends consulting company). First place went to the group Fet a mà! for their idea “Your Best Choice” for Tu-Me. Second place was awarded to Sassy for “Break Your Limits” for Reebok, and third place went to BCN Dreams Productions for “Privacy at Your Fingertips” for Tu-Me.