
Five UIC Students Participate in International Course in Finland on High-Quality Nursing Education

In November 2013, the UIC Department of Nursing of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences participated in the second edition of the international course Empowering Learning Environments in Nursing Education (EleneIP) in Finland.

It is a European course that forms part of the Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme. The four participating universities are the University of Turku (Finland), Klaip?da University (Lithuania), Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus) and the UIC.

The UIC participated in last year's edition. This year, five students in the Master's Degree Programme in Nursing participated, along with Pilar Fuster, a lecturer in the Nursing Department. EleneIP brings together students and academic personnel from different countries who are keen to guarantee the quality of nursing education.

The aims of the course are mainly to unify training for nursing professionals in Europe and explore new e-learning environments, especially in social media. This course is a pioneer in its field. Due to its excellent acceptance from students and their satisfaction in the first two editions, it is expected to be offered again in the future.

During the course, Pilar Fuster participated as a guest speaker. She led a session on the teaching skills of nursing tutors and the clinical environment as the specific place for learning.