
Football, Music and Show at End-of-Year Party

Another academic year has come to a close. This time it was celebrated with an end-of-year party on Thursday, 14 June 2012, at the Barcelona campus. The award winners for the different contests organized by Student Services during UIC's Culture Week and throughout the year shared the spotlight with the different voices who made the evening enjoyable. It all began with the live broadcast of Spain's 2012 European Championship match against Ireland.

Over 100 people, including students,
professors and UIC staff, attended the party, celebrated for the first time
instead of the traditional Spring Concert, which had to be cancelled due to
inclement weather. Roser Santigosa,
the director of Student Services, said the celebration “shows that the UIC is
something more than a university. That’s why we promote activities throughout
the year that encourage comprehensive education, not only for the students, but
also for the university professors and staff”.

The party began at 8:45 p.m. with the
broadcast of the football match between Spain and Ireland. At half-time, Rector
Pere Alavedra presented the awards for the
different athletic and cultural competitions organized by Student Services
throughout the year.

In sports, trophies were awarded for
the different Rector’s Tournaments (3-on-3 basketball, 7-on-7 football, kart
racing, padel tennis) and the Champions UIC Football Competition. Besides this,
an honourable mention was awarded for the trainers of the UIC teams.

In culture, awards were presented to
the winners of this year’s two editions of the Trivial Pursuit Championship and
the XVI Literary Contest. The winners of the new activities organized this year
were also recognized. Awards were given to those who won the contest for World
Poetry Day and the Television Series Contest, organized in collaboration with
the Faculty of Communication Sciences.

Finally, after the match, different
groups of students gave the audience a real treat with their songs and
entertaining numbers. The number “BeatBoxer”
by Alex Viñeta, a Primary Education student, was a big hit. Other participants
were Juan Bardají, a fourth-year Dentistry student, with his group Haley Haitz;
Joan Galí, a second-year Advertising and Public Relations student; and UIC
staff member, Santi Argemí’s group John
is Green.

participation in athletic, recreational, cultural and charitable activities”,
Santigosa said, “values and skills can be shared in a relaxed and friendly
way”. For Santigosa this is another way in which this facet of the UIC
manifests itself. It is “a place where education can happen in all spheres,
whether they be academic or extracurricular”, she said.