
Former President of Sony Iberia Gives Lecture to Business Administration Students

Pedro Navarrete, who was the Managing Director of Sony Iberia for 20 years and the Senior Vice President of Sony Europe Limited for 2 years, gave a lecture to fourth-year Business Administration students in Strategic Management.

In order to convey the practical experience
of developing and implementing strategy, Navarrete divided
the lecture in three parts: situation analysis, objectives and implementation.

In this way, the former director of Sony explained the
importance of being familiar with the business environment in order to achieve
objectives that should be inspiring enough to align people in one and the same direction.
“Strategic planning manuals say that a company’s objectives should be simple, consistent
and long-term”, Navarrete said. “But I would add a
fourth fundamental characteristic: they should be inspiring”.

In order to involve the whole company in
implementing strategy, Navarrete stressed
how important it is to achieve short-term goals and to celebrate those

The subject Strategic Management is taught by the professor
Carlos Rey, the Director of the UIC Department of Management by Missions.