
Former student Kenneth Pineda is appointed Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at the Universidad de San Carlos de GuatemalaFacultat d’Odontologia de la Universitat de Sant Carles de Guatemala

The Faculty of Dentistry alumnus was elected by absolute majority as a result of his clinical, academic and research experience.


Dr Kenneth Pineda, a former student at the Faculty, has been elected Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala for the next four years. Pineda studied a Master's Degree in Endodontics, a Master's Degree in Research and a PhD in Dentistry at UIC Barcelona.

After a delay of over a year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the election process for the new Dean was held on 13 May. Students, university employees and professors elected Dr Pineda by absolute majority, thanks to his experience in the field as a practising dentist, teacher and researcher. “Having the support of other lecturers and colleagues both nationally and internationally, all of whom are leading figures in the clinical, scientific and academic fields worldwide, has undoubtedly given an extra boost to this team project”, explained Dr Pineda.

As the new Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at the Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Kenneth Pineda will tackle the challenges presented by the pandemic through an academic project that aims to transform the Faculty into a more humane, modern institution with international recognition and technology.


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