
The Foundation behind UIC Barcelona donates 9 hectares of land to Barcelona City Council to be added on to Collserola Park

The Catalan Family Foundation, the organisation that helped set up the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona), has donated 9.4 hectares of land to Barcelona City Council. This land will be assigned to the Collserola Park Consortium in order to extend the public area the park covers. 

The donation was signed by Mr Jordi Ayala, general manager for the Presidency and the Economy at Barcelona City Council, and Mr Miguel Ángel Cazcarra, president of the Catalan Family Foundation and of the UIC Barcelona Board of Trustees. Other people who were present at the official signature representing Barcelona City Council were Mr Eduard Vicente Gómez, General Manager of the District of Horta-Guinardó, Mr Xavier Poza Gonzalo, Heritage Director, Mr Manuel Parejo i Perogil Director of the Legal Heritage Service, acting on behalf of the General Secretary of the City Council, and Ms Rosa M. Casellas Dalmau, lawyer to the Board. Others representing the Catalan Family Foundation were Ms María José Font and Ms María Rosa Infante. 

Through this donation, the Foundation aims to contribute towards the consolidation of the city’s greenbelt and thus support a more sustainable Barcelona.  “As a university we are honoured to be a part of this donation because it is in line with our objectives, always non-profit and based on a desire to achieve a social impact” stated Mr Cazcarra when signing the agreement created by the two institutions. The official signature took place on our university’s Barcelona campus.