
Four former UIC Barcelona School of Architecture students win 2022 FAD Architecture Award

Jordi Ayala, Jonathan Arnabat, Aitor Fuentes and Igor Urdampilleta, former students of UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, are part of Barcelona's Arquitectura G studio, which has been awarded the 2022 FAD Architecture Prize for their Laguna housing project, located in the Poblenou neighbourhood of Barcelona. The jury were impressed by the building’s respectful and consistent integration with its surroundings.

Built this year (2022), the Llacuna project is a multi-family building with five apartments and two commercial premises, designed by the architects of the Arquitectura G studio: Albert Guerra and his colleagues Jonathan Arnabat, Jordi Ayala-Bril, Aitor Fuentes and Igor Urdamtilleta, all who have been all former students and teachers of the school between 2006 and 2016.

With regard to this building in the Poblenou neighbourhood, the jury highlighted the integration of housing units with their surroundings and noted that the project "is an intervention that completes an area of Poblenou with urban and formal coherence", and that it "excellently solves the difficult issue of the corner plot". In short, "a work of collective housing that delineates the city in a simple, silent way and answers the important question of how to inhabit". It also highlights the commitment of promoters and private companies to quality and coherence within the city.

The projects that received the FAD awards won out of a total of 16 finalist projects in different categories. A total of 434 works were submitted for competition.
