
Four Psychology lecturers write about forgiveness in the journal Current Psychology

Lecturers María Gámiz, María Fernández-Capo, Carla Martos and Sílvia Recoder, from the Department of Psychology at the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, have published an article on the decision to forgive in the scientific journal Current Psychology.

The article titled “The role of making a decision to forgive in the process of forgiveness: A longitudinal study” (pdf), seeks to answer questions about how the decision to forgive occurs and explores whether it is one we make freely, if is influenced by the previous relationship with the offender and the severity of the harm caused. It also seeks to explore the influence of the decision to forgive on motivations to forgive in the future.

To carry out the study, the article’s authors used a sample of 191 students from different bachelor’s degrees in the field of health who were asked about an offence, the degree of relationship with the offender, the decision to forgive and motivations behind this forgiveness.

The results obtained indicate that the decision to forgive is an act of free will and that it has to do with the alleviation of negative emotions.

In addition to the UIC Barcelona lecturers, lecturer Vanessa L. Buechner, from the University of Munich, and lecturer Everett L. Worthington, from Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond, USA) also contributed to the article.

[Foto: Freepik/prostooleh]
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