
Fourth-Year Audiovisual Communication Students Present Projects on Brand Strengthening

On Friday, 18 January 2013, the final projects carried out by students on the subject Professional English for Audiovisual Communication were assessed by a panel of experts made up of Agnès Rovira, Maurici O'Brian, Mònica Carbonell and Dr. Ricard Mamblona, the Head of the Audiovisual Communication degree course.

The fourth-year Audiovisual Communication
students presented their audiovisual advertising projects as part of the
subject Professional English for Audiovisual Communication 1.

The subject is taught by Agnès Rovira, Maurici O’Brian and Mònica Carbonell. These experts, along with Dr. Ricard Mamblona, the Head of the Audiovisual Communication
degree course, were tasked with assessing the concept of the campaign, the
advertisement and the strategy created by the students to promote the project
through new media.

Through the project, the students have learned
how to connect brand rules with an international advertising strategy. The
subject, presentations and final assessments were all conducted in English.