
Fundació Vila-Saborit, UIC Barcelona and the Hospital Universitari Sagrat Cor hand out the 4th Awards for Research in Nursing

Arantxa Bujanda, David Batalla and Roser Samsó are this year’s award-winners for their final master’s degree projects

On 18 November, the 4th Fundació Vila-Saborit Awards for Nursing Research ceremony was held in the Assembly Hall of the Hospital Sagrat Cor. The event was chaired by Dr Albert Gallart, Assistant Director of the UIC Barcelona Department of Nursing. 

This year, there were 17 entries of final master’s degree projects. The first prize went to Arantxa Bujanda for her project “Proposal for gamification-based educational intervention on diabetes for students studying to be nursing assistants.” The first runner-up was awarded to David Batalla for his project “Insomnia in patients with schizophrenia, prevalence and quality of life.” The second runner-up prize went to Roser Samsó for her project  “Acupuncture as a method to assist spontaneous labour in pregnant women beyond the 40th week of gestation.” 

The final master's degree projects this year were assessed by a panel of experts comprising representatives of the Fundació Familia Vila-Saborit, doctors in Nursing from various Catalan universities that offer nurse training, members of Catalan institutions, experts in research at the Hospital Universitari Sagrat Cor and members of the Official College of Nursing of Barcelona. 

Dr Cristina Monforte, Director of the UIC Barcelona Department of Nursing, together with Daniel Regaña, director of projects and continuous improvement at the Hospital Universitari Sagrat Cor, were responsible for closing the event.