
The geographer Francesc Muñoz opens the lecture series Foros 2015 at the ESARQ School of Architecture

The conference "Pantone Landscapes"  will be held at 7 p.m. in the main lecture hall at the ESARQ School of Architecture.

In his lecture, “Pantone Landscapes”, geographer Francesc Muñoz will explore the “urbanalization” hypothesis he proposed a few years ago. A quick look at the “copy and paste” style of urban planning used in cities’ historical centres, shopping areas and airports, and in the water features and glass towers of their waterfronts, it is clear that his theory is as valid today as it was back then.
Francesc Muñoz is currently working on the project designs for landscape intervention and management in different types of urban and non-urbanized spaces. He is the director of the Urban Planning Observatory and of different master’s and postgraduate programmes, such as the Master's Degree in Landscape and Heritage Intervention and Management at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. His publications include the books urBANALización: Paisajes Comunes, Lugares Globales (UrBANALization: Common Landscapes, Global Places) (Gustavo Gili, Barcelona 2008) and Estrategias hacia la ciudad de baja densidad: de la contención a la gestión (Strategies for the Low-Density City: From Containment to Management) (Diputació de Barcelona, 2011).
FOROS ESARQ are an annual lecture series organized by the ESARQ School of Architecture of the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya in which renowned national and international architects share their vision of architecture and the profession through their work. This year’s cycle, “A Matter of Things”, is directed by Jorge Vidal, who will lead the debate on the work of architects in the urban context.