
Giuseppe Scionti, founder and CEO of Novameat, is patron for the second graduation in the Bachelor’s Degree in Bioengineering

As a graduation patron, the founder of the emerging company Novameat illustrated the wide range of possibilities offered by bioengineering to help society to the recent graduates, especially through biomaterials and 3D printing

Giuseppe Scionti was the patron of the second graduation of the Bachelor’s Degree in Bioengineering at UIC Barcelona. In his testimony, the expert in engineering and biomaterials wanted to show recent graduates “one of the many professional outlets that bioengineering offers beyond the biomedical industry that may serve to inspire them.” 

In his speech, Scionti explained how his interest in medicine, engineering and the environment led him to study engineering and specialise in the development of biomaterials and 3D printing. He specifically highlighted how “nature allows us to learn how to apply the synergies offered by medicine and engineering to create and develop new techniques to help society”. Accordingly, he explained that “bioengineering is perfect because it combines knowledge from very different fields that allow us to generate new biomaterials and technologies with which to contribute to improving our environment”. One example is some of the natural biomaterials patented by Novameat, which have managed to simulate muscle tissue and apply it to the food industry. 
The patron ended his speech by reminding the new bioengineers that “jobs can change, but not the need for creative and flexible professionals that are capable of innovation”.

Following his speech, Alumni & Careers Director Frederic Van Dyck addressed the new Alumni community and reminded them that even though they would no longer be undergraduates, the University would continue to support them in their new career path. “Whatever happens, even if you are far away or not actively working, you will always be alumni and this will always be your home,” he said. 

The class representatives of the bioengineering students, Toni Julia and Berta Madurell, thanked the teachers and their families for their support and teaching during their academic years.

The ceremony was closed by the director of the Bachelor’s Degree in Bioengineering, Dr Román Pérez, who reviewed the past four years with the graduating students and encouraged them to “take advantage of all the knowledge acquired during this time years to apply it in the improvement of the quality of life of people, and give back to society”. 

The event ended with the traditional singing of the university anthem, Gaudeamus Igitur.



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