
Gómez Publishes Manual on Inheritance Law in Catalonia

Jesús Gómez Taboada, a professor in the UIC Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, has released the manual Derecho de sucesiones de Cataluña. Teoría y práctica (Inheritance Law in Catalonia: Theory and Practice), published by Lex Nova Editorial.

The manual includes an account of the fourth Civil
Code of Catalonia with explanations and criteria for correctly interpreting it.
The work also contains more than two hundred explanatory examples that provide
guidelines for applying it in practice.

The monograph includes a list of 101 questions and
answers that summarize the basic concepts of the real problems posed by
inheritance law. It also tackles common issues in Catalonia regarding applicable
law (private international and interregional law), and includes a comparison
between the Civil Codes of Catalonia and Spain.

Jesús Gómez Taboada is a professor of Civil Law in
the UIC Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences. He is also a member of the Peruvian
School of Notary Law, the Society of Cuban Notaries and the Universidad
Notarial in Argentina.

He was appointed director of the Ibero-American
Notary Law Yearbook in May 2012. During the course of his professional career,
he has been a member of advisory institutions belonging to the Catalan
government such as the Observatory of Private Law and the committee appointed
to review Book 4 of the Civil Code of Catalonia, regarding inheritance.