
Head of Dircom Catalunya Examines Role of Communications Manager with Second-Year Advertising Students

On Tuesday, 23 April 2013, Isabel Villalonga, the head of Dircom Catalunya, gave a talk to students in their second year of the Advertising and Public Relations degree programme and analysed the key features of the role of communications manager.

During the talk, Villalonga looked at the role played by communication in companies and in society and did not shy away from tackling the eternally controversial term “public relations”. She also opened up a debate on how important a company’s reputation is, and went on to underline the importance of values such as transparency and proximity, the need for high-quality end products and using internal communications correctly to instil trust in a particular brand.

The Dircom association has been providing services to communication managers in Spain for over 20 years, ranging from training tools up to a framework for sharing experiences, thoughts and doubts regarding a profession that is constantly evolving. In light of the success of its parent, Dircom Catalunya was set up five years ago with Isabel Villalonga at the helm. She brought with her a great deal of experience both in the sector itself and in the field of journalism.

The talk was given as part of the module on the History and Theory of Advertising and Public Relations, which is taught by Dr Pilar Buil.