
Héctor Jala Wins 33rd Ricardo Magdalena Trophy for Architecture

Héctor Jala, a professor at the UIC-ESARQ School of Architecture, has won the 33rd Ricardo Magdalena Trophy for Architecture awarded annually by the Institución Fernando el Católico of the Provincial Council of Zaragoza.

The prize was awarded for his work to renovate
the Museum of Ethnology in Nonaspe, a municipality located in the Province of
Zaragoza. In the judging process, the project stood out for the way it
incorporated the renovated building in a complex urban setting, as well as the
rooms of the new museum, which “restore the fragmentation of the site and
provide links between tradition and contemporary architecture”.

As Jala himself
explained, “We were asked to carry out a phased expansion plan of a small
museum of ethnology in a rural setting. The site is located in the oldest part
of town and consists of small dilapidated buildings that are interlinked in an
irregular way. The aim of the different plans is to preserve any elements that
are even remotely worth maintaining.”

In October 2012, the project also made it to
the finals of the 27th García Mercadal Architecture Awards that are presented annually by the Official
Association of Architects of Aragon.