
How Do Today's Advertising Agencies Work?

Pablo Medina, a lecturer at the UIC's Faculty of Communication Sciences, has published a book called Gestión Empresarial de la Empresa de Publicidad (Managing Advertising Agencies). The book was written in collaboration with Ignacio Ferrer Lorenzo, an adviser to the president of the Shackleton Group, and analyses the operation of advertising agencies in today's changing economic context.

Globalization, increased competition amongst advertising agencies, a heavy emphasis on results and the constant search for greater investment are some of the key points tackled in this book, which is Spain’s first reference work in the field of advertising-agency management.

The book analyses the operation of advertising agencies from a business-orientated perspective by examining their structure, organization, financial operation, agreements with clients and suppliers, pay structures, and the like.

“Over the last 50 years, advertising has ceased to be an occupation and has become a genuine profession that contributes added value to the market and creates new business models”, explain Medina and Ferrer in their introduction. The thorough and painstaking analysis in the rest of the book will provide invaluable support to advertising-agency managers and will also serve as an essential reference for university students. 

Ignasi Ferrer Lorenzo is an adviser to the president of the Shackleton Group and was the financial director of BBDO Spain for over 20 years. He also lectures at several universities. Pablo Medina holds a doctorate in Communication from the Universidad de Navarra and has published eight books on the subject of institutional communications, in addition to numerous scientific articles.