
How to Promote Development of Missions in Companies

The objective of the UIC Department of Management by Missions and Corporate Governance, which was created in April 2012, is to research and find management and governance solutions to promoting commitment to missions in all areas of organizations. Six companies from different industries, all with an interest in the concept of management by missions, are the founders of this new department headed by Dr. Carlos Rey, an expert in strategic management and the management of change.

Since April 2012, the UIC has benefited from the Department of
Management by Missions and Corporate Governance, which is part of the Faculty
of Economic and Social Sciences and is directed by Dr. Carlos Rey, an expert in strategic management and the management of change,
and Dr. Miquel
Bastons, the faculty dean and an
expert in decision-making.

Management by missions offers a new focus that enriches the
traditional view of objective-orientated management. It integrates missions
into the management system, positioning objectives so that they serve the
mission and promoting employees’ commitment to it.

Initially, the department will be supported by six companies from
different industries that have committed themselves to conducting research into
this new management model: Jiménez Maña (automotive industry), the main
sponsor; Semillas Fitó (agricultural industry); Kern Pharma (pharmaceutical
industry); Aitex (textile industry); JJC Contratistas Generales (construction
industry); and Industrial Química del Nalón (chemical industry).

Following meetings in Seville and Barcelona, the department now
plans to hold conferences in October 2012 and February 2013 and set up a
specialized documentation centre on management by missions.

In a lengthy article in
the latest edition of Newsuic
magazine, Dr. Rey considers how to promote the development of missions in