
IESF Chosen for World Family Map Project's Annual Report Presentation

The World Family Map Project (WFMP) has chosen to present its 2014 annual report at the UIC, within the framework of the 2nd International Conference on Family and Society. The conference, organized by the Institute of Advanced Family Studies (IESF), is scheduled to take place on Wednesday and Thursday, 24-25 September 2014.

The World Family Map Project (WFMP) is an international research initiative supported by the University of Virginia, the Child Trends research centre and the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada (IMFC). Its objective is to compile a map of twenty international indicators in the field of family health research by focusing on the four family strengths: family structure, family culture, family processes and economic wellbeing.

The WFMP endeavours to track family trends using international databases such as the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) programme and the Integrated Public Use Microdata Series, International (IPUMS-International).

The project incorporates research conducted in various countries of Asia, Europe, the Middle East, North America, Oceania, Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa. Its ultimate goal is to afford a comprehensive overview and make valuable information available to researchers, journalists, politicians and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) whose work is linked to family and development issues.

The WFMP will present its annual report, World Family Map 2014, at the IESF’s 2nd International Conference on Family and Society on 24-25 September 2014.
