
Information and Communication Technologies Discussed at Faculty of Humanities

On Friday and Saturday, 6-7 February 2015, the UIC’s Faculty of Humanities held the 3rd Conference on Teaching Humanities in Secondary Schools. This year’s event focused on the use of digital resources in humanities classrooms.

This third conference opened with the roundtable discussion “Using ICTs: Hits and Misses”, which addressed the use of new technologies in education. The participants included Xavier Patiño, a member of the Fundació Tr@ms and a teacher at Jaume Viladoms School, Martí Curiel from Xaloc School, and Xavier Ibáñez from Sant Gregori School. The discussion was moderated by Evarist González, a teacher from Torre del Palau School in Terrassa.

Patiño discouraged any fear of ICTs. “The media are always publishing hair-raising stories about the dangers of technology”, he said, “but it can be a big help with teaching when used properly”.

Throughout the conference, attendees were able to participate in different workshops. On Friday, 6 February 2015, Joan Fontdeglòria from Príncep de Girona Secondary School in Barcelona led a workshop on writing with the help of ICTs. Another was led by Margalida Capellà, a teacher from Premià de Mar Secondary School. The Saturday workshops were led by Usoa Sol, a teacher from Sant Gregori School, and Cristina Sanjust, a lecturer in the UIC’s Faculty of Humanities. Time was also set aside for participants to share their experiences using ICTs in the classroom.

Dr. Teresa Vallès, the Dean of the UIC Faculty of Humanities, presented the Faculty’s recently launched Cultural Job Game app to the teachers at the conference. The application aims to provide academic guidance to students at humanities-based secondary schools.

The closing session was given by Dr. Josep Monserrat, the Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Universitat de Barcelona, who raised the question of whether secondary school could ever be taught without the humanities.