
The International Conference on Josep Maria Jujol opens in Sant Joan Despí

As part of the anniversary celebration “140 years of Jujol”, a dozen speakers from academic and professional backgrounds discuss the artist's work from different perspectives

The International Architectural Conference "Jujol: Animar les pedres i posar vida” was opened today at Centre Jujol-Can Negre in Sant Joan Despí. Experts from academic and professional sectors analysed the work of Josep Maria Jujol, architect, artist, sculptor, designer, and the author of architectural treasures such as Torre de la Creu, Can Negre or Metropol Theatre. The conference, organised by Sant Joan Despí Council, will bring an end to “140 years of Jujol”, which commemorates the 140th anniversary of the architect’s birth.

The opening ceremony was given by Antoni Poveda, Mayor of Sant Joan Despí; Dr Josep Lluís i Ginovart, director of UIC Barcelona School of Architecture; Josep Maria Jujol, the architect’s son, and Dr Guillem Carabí, lecturer at UIC Barcelona School of Architecture and director of the conference.

The mayor of Sant Joan Despí, Antoni Poveda, stressed that the conference "will contribute to the appreciation of Jujol, which is the goal we established for 140 years of Jujol". Poveda added “Jujol’s work gives an identity to Sant Joan Despí, and at the City Council, we have worked to make it public heritage.”

The Director of UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, Josep Lluís i Ginovart, explained that "Jujol is an essential part of the architecture in Catalonia", and has stated that the involvement of UIC Barcelona in the organisation of seminars "is an opportunity for the University to transfer knowledge to society."

For his part, the director of the Archive Jujol, Josep Maria Jujol, Jr., has stated that "it is highly appreciated that there is a town hall as the de Sant Joan Despí to ensure the work of Jujol, both in your town that lies beyond, and by the international projection of his figure".

The International Conference "Jujol: Animar les pedres i posar vida” has invited a dozen speakers from areas such as architecture, design, journalism and interior design.

Guillem Carabí, the conference director explained, “We will discuss many issues with professionals who at some point in their academic or artistic career have been involved with the architecture of Jujol.”

On Friday 27 and Saturday 28 there will be lectures, discussions and round tables to discuss various issues relating to the architect and his work, such as the artist's creative process, the dissemination of his heritage, the role of religion, Jujol’s relationship with Antoni Gaudí or the spirit of his architecture.

The International Conference on Josep Maria Jujol will end on Sunday 29 with a trip to visit the architect’s work in the area of Camp de Tarragona (Casa Bofarull in Els Pallaresos, Teatre Metropol in Tarragona and the Vistabella church in La Secuita).