
International Cooperation Students Present Housing Models to Vicente Ferrer Foundation

On Friday, 18 January 2013, students on the International Cooperation course, which is taught by Raquel Colacios and Iván Llach at the ESARQ School of Architecture, presented the projects they have been working over the last term. The projects involved designing housing prototypes for the Chenchus, a remote tribe of the Andhra Pradesh state of India.

One by one, the students presented their projects to Anna Puig from the Project Management Department at the Vicente Ferrer Foundation. The projects, which are currently on display in the corridors of the ESARQ School of Architecture, will be transferred to the Vicente Ferrer Foundation head office in Barcelona. 

The course organizers are currently examining the possibility of arranging a trip to India to present the projects in situ to the Foundation's Construction and Architecture Department. As is the case every year, the project for this academic year was proposed by the Vicente Ferrer Foundation itself. The institution has collaborated with the ESARQ on its International Cooperation course for the last five years