
Jaume Padrós: “Your job as professionals involves guaranteeing one of the people’s fundamental rights, health”

The president of the Official College of Physicians of Barcelona, patron of the 2020-2021 graduation ceremony for the Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy, reminded the new physiotherapists of the significance of their commitment to society. Dr Albert Pérez, lecturer at the Department of Physiotherapy, was the patron of the 2019-2020 graduating class

On 2 July, the University's Aula Magna lecture theatre hosted the graduation ceremony for students finishing their Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy in the 2020-2021 academic year, as well as the 2019-2020 graduating class whose ceremony could not be held last year due to the pandemic. 

Dr Jaume Padrós, president of the Official College of Physicians of Barcelona, was tasked with being the patron for the most recent graduating class from the 2020-2021 academic year. In his keynote speech, Padrós reminded the physiotherapists of their commitment to society and the importance of “having an exemplary attitude even outside of the work place, as you are health professionals”. He also urged the new professionals to "never forget how to empathise with your patients, because your help can improve their quality of life" and invited them to continue learning in order to adapt to the new challenges that will emerge each day, which is the key to the success of good professionals.

Dr Albert Pérez, lecturer at the Department of Physiotherapy, was tasked with being the patron of the 2019-2020 graduating class. In his speech, Pérez reminded his new colleagues that “physiotherapy is not just a profession, but a vocation and a way of serving society”. Pérez also highlighted the key to offering physiotherapy in the best possible way: “You know how to conduct research, you know how to carry out neurotherapy, you understand anatomy and physiology, but it is worth nothing if you are not helping the sick in the humblest way possible.”  

After the speeches, there was also time for the class representatives of the Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy from both graduating classes to speak: Carlos Martínez and Lea Ratefiarson on behalf of the 2020-2021 graduating class, and Alienor Truchetet and María Idoate Iglesias as representatives of the 2019-2020 graduating class. They all recalled stories from their time studying and encouraged their fellow graduates to go forward and achieve great things. “No matter how difficult life may seem, there is always something we can do and succeed in”, Martinez stressed. 

The event was drawn to a close by the director of the Department of Physiotherapy, Dr Daniel Romero, who advised the new graduates to have "a very broad outlook and to step outside their comfort zone", which will help them learn how to adapt to the constant changes in society and in the field of healthcare. 

The celebration ended with the customary of singing the University’s traditional song, “Gaudeamus Igitur”.

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