
Jaume Sellarès: “People are our focus and we are committed to accompanying them in times of uncertainty and at the end of their life”

As patron of the graduation ceremony, the doctor and director of the Sardinia Counselling and Psychopedagogical Guidance Team reflected on the importance of being a doctor, the values of the profession and the social commitment it involves.

Jaume Sellarès, family doctor and member of the board of the Barcelona Society of Physicians, was the patron of this year's Medicine graduation ceremony. In his speech, he reminded the graduates of the importance of their contribution to society, as well as the values that should guide these new doctors throughout their profession. “Society may give you plenty of work throughout your career, but it will always recognise your effort, dedication, empathy and honesty”, Sellarès said, encouraging the cohort.

In his speech, he also highlighted some of the most relevant principles of the Society of Physicians’ code of ethics: “We demand excellence throughout our professional career and we want to build a profession of the future at the service of the people.”

As new colleagues, the patron reminded them that in this profession they will have to face and overcome some very difficult situations, but added that if they remain steadfast in their values, they will have no trouble moving forward and becoming great professionals. “Be great people, and you will become great doctors”, he said.

After Sellarès’ speech, the degree certificates were handed out, followed by the reading of the Hippocratic Oath taken by the new physicians. The audience then heard from the class representatives of the bachelor’s and master's degree. The event was closed by the dean of the Faculty, Dr Albert Balaguer, and ended with the singing of the University’s traditional anthem Gaudeamus Igitur.

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