
Joan Grimalt Presents New Book on Sacred Music

On Friday, 17 February 2012, Joan Grimalt, a professor in the Faculty of Humanities and an orchestra conductor, presented his new book Música Sacra: 9 audicions i un pròleg (Sacred Music: 9 Recitals and a Prologue) in the Universitat Pompeu Fabra IDEC auditorium.

Humanities professor and composer Joan Grimalt presented his book Música Sacra: 9
audicions i un pròleg
Music: 9 Recitals and a Prologue) on Friday, 17 February 2012. The book is a musical journey from the Renaissance to the present
day through the analysis of nine pieces of music and their composers.

Dr. Antoni Matabosch, the former president of the Joan Maragall Foundation, and Bernat Vivancos, a
composer, teacher and conductor of the
L'Escolania de
boys' choir, were responsible for welcoming the writer and
the audience.

In his presentation, Grimalt explained that his intention was to
produce a guide to the keys and secrets of nine pieces of music in order to
enhance readers' understanding and enjoyment of the music. This book, which is
Grimalt's third, was awarded the Christianity
and Culture Essay Prize from the
Joan Maragall
Foundation in 2009.