
José Zabala, Former Student from the UIC School of Architecture Awarded Joint First Place in Bauhaus Museum Design Competition

Barcelona Architecture firm Gonzalez Hinz Zabala and New York-based Young & Ayata have been awarded joint first place in a competition to design the new Bauhaus Museum in Dessau, Germany. The proposed 3,500-m2 Bauhaus museum will hold and display the collection of pieces created by the Bauhaus school of art and design. It will have 2,100 m2 of exhibition space.

Former UIC School of Architecture student José Zabala, along with Anne Katharina Hinz and Roberto González, teamed up with landscape architect Roser Vives de Delás to produce a design featuring a long rectangular form with an external structural frame. The opaque upper part of the structure contrasts with the transparent street-level floor. On the other hand, the competing team from New York, which includes Michael Young and Kutan Ayata, together with landscape designer Misako Murata, proposed a group of colourful conjoined pods that create walkways between the different shapes.

It is not yet clear how the two winning designs will be developed to create the final proposal.