
Josep Duran i Lleida, patron of the UIC Barcelona Law Faculty graduation: “There are no great lawyers without virtues”

The Catalan lawyer and politician shared his ideas about living and excelling in the law profession with the students of the Bachelor’s Degree in Law, University Master's Degree in the Legal Profession and Postgraduate Degree in Compliance and Cybersecurity

Students of the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Law graduated on 16 June in a ceremony with lawyer and politician, and president of the Academia Europea Leadership, Josep Antoni Duran i Lleida as patron. The Aula Magna hosted the ceremony for students graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in Law, Master's Degree in Law and Postgraduate Degree in Compliance and Cybersecurity, along with their families and teachers.

The event began with the keynote speech by the patron, who encouraged the students to practice their profession with responsibility and virtue. “Whichever path you take, approach it with the premise of working for the good of all, to make society better and in the interest of everyone. Being a lawyer is not just what we see in the cinema, nor does it mean that anything goes just to win a case. Never be seduced by the dark side, because that is not the law, it is the opposite. The law is the world of principles and virtue and a good lawyer acts with the willingness to serve,” explained Duran i Lleida.

The ceremony also featured the speeches from Beatriz Doria, member of the Alumni community of the class of 2013 Bachelor’s Degree in Law, and Montserrat Gas, vice dean of the Faculty.

After the awarding of diplomas and the placing of sashes on all graduates, as is customary, student representatives Oriol Vergés and Laura Pardo from Bachelor’s Degree in Law; Abril Fernández from the Master’s Degree in Law; and Claudia Moreno from the Postgraduate Degree in Compliance and Cybersecurity, all spoke and shared emotional words with their colleagues and thanked their teachers and family members.
