
Josep Porta Sales: New UIC Professor of Palliative Medicine

In the 2012-2013 academic year, the subject Palliative Medicine will be added to the Bachelor's Degree Programme in Medicine and will be compulsory for fifth-year students. Dr. Josep Porta, the Head of Palliative Care Services at the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO), will be the coordinator.

The UIC Faculty
of Medicine and Health Sciences will include the subject Palliative Medicine in
its Medical Degree Programme. The course aims to introduce students to a
medical specialty that deals primarily with patients who are in the final
stages of terminal illnesses and therefore require permanent care.

The subject
will be taught by Dr. Josep
Porta Sales, a
well-known medical doctor and the Head of Palliative Care Services at the
Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO). Dr. Porta has spent the last 20 years
working in palliative care, not only as a practitioner, but also as a teacher
and researcher. Dr. Porta is an internationally renowned expert in this field
thanks to his vast experience as a practitioner, in addition to his numerous
scientific publications and participation in several competitive research
projects. He is an active member of different professional forums, including
the Committee for Sedation Studies of the European Association for Palliative

The subject
will be taught in the second term for fifth-year students. The UIC began its
Medical programme in the 2008-2009 academic year, and has gradually been adding
courses since then. In the 2012-2013 academic year, it will reach the fifth,
and penultimate, year.