
Josep Serrano coordinates the “Leyes históricas de Cataluña” collection

The senior lecturer from UIC Barcelona’s Faculty of Law is in charge of coordinating the volume corresponding to Catalonia of Leyes Históricas de España, a collection curated by the Spanish Official State Gazette Agency (AEBOE)

Dr Josep Serrano, senior lecturer from the Faculty of Law, is heading up efforts to coordinate the volume titled “Leyes históricas de Cataluña”, which forms part of the collection Leyes Históricas de España curated by the Spanish Official State Gazette Agency (AEBOE), an organisation within the Ministry of the Presidency, Relations with the Cortes and Democratic Memory.

The main aim of the collection is to present the most noteworthy legislative texts to have shaped the history of Catalonia from the beginning of the Carolingian period through to the Statute of Catalonia of 1919.

Assisting Dr Serrano on this project are Dr Xavier Baró, lecturer from the Faculty of Humanities at UIC Barcelona; Dr Pablo José Alcover, lecturer from the University of Barcelona; Dr Cristian Palomo, lecturer from the Universitat Jaume I, and lecturer from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Guillem Fornés Fernández.