
Josep Serrano participated in the VII Course on Getting to Know the Ribera del Ebro

In October the aforementioned course was held in Flix. Within the framework of the VII Conference on the Heritage of the Area, the aim was to provide a cross-cutting overview of the evolution of the region from the middle ages until today. 

The talk given by the professor, focused on the repopulation of the Tierras del Ebro and the introduction of the feudal system after the re-conquest, in the XII century. This was based on an analysis of the papers from the population which were granted at that time, particularly the one from Mas de Flix in 1345 in the Barony of Flix itself.  These types of documents were awarded by Lords in order to establish a population in their territory recovered from the Saracens, and they set out the public legal regime which regulated sabbath and jurisdictional relationships between the Lord and his vassals.  The new population had to ensure the conquest and occupation of the territory, as well as promote its economic development.

Dr Serrano has published various projects on the repopulation process and legal configuration in Medieaval Catalonia, through the generalisation of the Usages of Barcelona and the emergence of Ius Commune