
Leadership and Innovation: Important Keys to Meeting Mental Healthcare Challenges

Around 20 heads of services and regional coordinators from the various mental health services in the Basque Country, Catalonia, Aragon, Murcia, the Balearic Islands and Valencia took part in a training seminar on clinical management in the area of mental health that was organized by UIC Barcelona’s Albert J. Jovell Institute for Public Health and Patients, the Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu and the Parc Salut Mar, in collaboration with Janssen.

Mental health issues and addictions account for the highest health, social and economic burden in most countries, and this burden is growing. According to the World Health Organization, two in every five cases of disability are due to mental illness, which is also responsible for one in three health service visits in both developed and developing countries.

The high incidence of these illnesses is also related to rapid social change. Health professionals are required to adapt to these changes and to those affecting health organizations through training that addresses values, organization, teamwork and new resource management skills.

Dr. Josep Ramos, Director of Mental Health Planning at the Parc Sanitari de Sant Joan de Déu and co-director of the course, said, “This seminar made it possible to re-organize priorities and to re-position the objectives of the profession and the leadership role as key elements in our social model”.

Dr. Enric Sentís, Coordinator of the Centre de Salut Mental Cornellà Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu and co-director of the course, highlighted the quality of the projects presented at the end. He said, “All the participants chose to design a strategic or operational plan for their own institution or the institutions for which they are responsible, and this involved focusing on promoting change and improving care”.

Dr. Maria Dolores Navarro, Director of UIC Barcelona’s Albert J. Jovell Institute for Public Health and Patients and co-director of the course, also highlighted “the importance of patient and family participation in the organization and operation of mental health centres to demonstrate institutions’ commitment to innovation and transparency.”