
Learning and Innovation Methodologies: Key Topics on LINK© Day

The Vice Rector's Office for Academic Organization and the Teaching Staff (VOAP) has organized another conference for professors and the administrative and services staff to exchange knowledge and experiences. LINK© Day, held on Tuesday, 10 July 2012, was closed by Vice Rector María Fernández-Capo and included the presentation of seven specific cases. Learning and innovation methodologies were the key topics of the session.

The main objective of LINK© Day, which
is organized by the VOAP, is to enable the exchange of experiences related to
the conferences, seminars and courses attended by the teaching staff, the
activities carried out by the services staff and matters related to degree
programmes that may be of general interest. The idea of LINK© Day arose from
the UIC’s philosophy of creating an internal network to expand internationally.

The session on Tuesday included seven
speakers, including professors from different degree programmes and UIC
administrative and services staff members. The papers described cases derived
from the speakers' academic and work activities, such as the research policies
of the Vice Rector’s Office for Research, the initiative of giving out awards
to the best final projects in Audiovisual Communication (IMMA Awards), the set
of values that permeates the entire university, and the learning and assessment
methodologies implemented in particular in the Faculty of Medicine and Health
Sciences, such as the ECOE for assessing Nursing students and peer teaching in

The final session was led by the
Technological Innovation Office, which presented the projects the department is
currently working on that keep the UIC in a leading position in terms of technology
and innovation.