
Lecture on Medical Research Applied to the University Setting Brings LINK Day to a Close

The Vice Rector's Office for Academic Organization and the Teaching Staff (VOAP) once again organized LINK Day, a conference for professors and the administrative and services staff to exchange knowledge and experiences. For the first time, this year's conference included a final lecture by Dr. Jesús Prieto, Professor of General Pathology at the Universidad de Navarra.

During the session, teaching and administrative staff described cases derived from their academic and work activities, such as the teaching methods used and the skills attained by students in the University Dental Clinic (CUO), the collaboration between the university and the advertising market in the classroom, peer evaluation in the final degree projects, the students’ continuing education and the MOOC system.

The final lecture was given by Dr. Jesús Prieto, Professor of General Pathology at the Universidad de Navarra, who spoke about medical research applied to the university setting, specifically with reference to the university’s Centre for Applied Medical Research (CIMA). Prieto spoke about the importance of translational research and innovation carried out by multidisciplinary research teams.

The conference was officially closed by Dr. Jaume Armengou, the Vice Rector for Academic Organization and the Teaching Staff.

The main objective of LINK Day, which is organized by the VOAP, is to enable the exchange of experiences related to the conferences, seminars and courses attended by the teaching staff, the activities carried out by the services staff and matters related to degree programmes that may be of general interest. The idea of LINK Day arose from the UIC’s philosophy of creating an internal network to expand internationally.