
Lecturer Geoffrey Cowper directs the new Doctor Prats video clip

Eleven students from the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Communication Sciences worked on the project in the production, art and costumes department, or as an extra

Lecturer Geoffrey Cowper from the Faculty of Communication Sciences was recently back behind the cameras to direct Massa bé, Doctor Prats's new video clip. This is the third clip by the Catalan group directed by Cowper after Caminem lluny and Les teves pigues and this time he did so it again accompanied by eleven students from our Bachelor’s Degree in Audiovisual Communication who were involved in various areas of the project.

Student Javier Sáez participated in the production of the video clip and students Mar Bonet and Natalia Pérez were art assistant and costume assistant, respectively. On the other hand, Salud Baldira, Sergi Cervera, Javier de Miguel, Nidia Geisseler, Maddi Sanchez, Sandra Siles, Marta Sentenach and Xiao Verdeguer were all extras.

Dr Prats's new single comes two years after his last record and is full of optimism and the desire to experience life through simple everyday moments.