
Lecturers Alberto T. Estévez and Ignasi Pérez Arnal and alumnus Pablo Ovejero Vela help organise the New York City Architecture Biennial

The event will take place from 20 to 23 October and the conferences can be streamed online

Lecturers Alberto T. Estévez and Ignasi Pérez Arnal from UIC Barcelona School of Architecture and alumnus Pablo Ovejero Vela, also from the School, form part of the organisation committee for the NYC Architecture Biennial, which will be held online from 20 to 23 October and will focus on social inclusion in the workplace and in design. 

The event intends to present the work of internationally renowned architects and urban designers in order “to promote innovative sustainable design and support gender quality in a new future for those for those in a context of under-representation and industry-wide racism”, as stated by the organisation.  

The event will be opened with an inaugural session led by members of the Biennial’s advisory board on 20 October. The first conference will be given on 21 October by María Hurtado de Mendoza, co-founder of estudio__entresitio and associate professor of architecture at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. The following day, on 22 October, the programme will continue with a talk from Jack Travis, lecturer at the Pratt Institute and the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. The Biennial will finish on 23 October with a round table discussion on social inclusion in architecture and design in which architects Lauri Hawkinson, Ronnette Riley, Danei Cesario, Maria R. Perbellini and Joan Krevlin will take part. 

All conferences will take place online and are free of charge, but prior registration is required through the Biennial’s website