
Luis Manuel Alonso: «Qualified Tax Consultancy is One of Most Promising Career Paths»

The Head of the Department of Tax Law at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) emphasized the career opportunities in the field of tax consultancy at the presentation of the UIC Master's Degree Programme in Taxation Laws, which is being launched in collaboration with the Spanish law firm Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira. The presentation was held on Thursday, 13 June 2013, on the UIC's Barcelona campus.

“Qualified tax consultancy is one of the most promising career paths. To reach a level of excellence in the field, the knowledge and skills acquired at the university level aren’t enough. Those who want to be competitive in this market have to complete their education with a specialized Master’s degree,” said Luis Manuel Alonso, the Head of the Department of Tax Law at the UB. He spoke at the presentation of the new Master’s Degree Programme in Taxation Laws in the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, which is being launched in collaboration with the prestigious Spanish law firm Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira.

“This project is the outcome of the ideas and concerns of a team of people who came together to analyse and reflect on the needs and demands of the current labour market in the legal field in general and, specifically, in the practice of tax law”, explained Alonso, the Director of the Master’s Degree Programme in Taxation Laws. Its objective is to offer students top-quality comprehensive training in financial planning and tax consultancy. “It is a Master’s programme in tax and commercial law, a model of interdisciplinary education, a bridge between the academic and professional worlds and a 360-degree panoramic view”, he said.

Dr. Javier Junceda, the Dean of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, guaranteed that the new programme would prepare students with the resources necessary to join any law firm or institution and develop their skills and capacities once they have finished the Master’s programme.

The Master’s Degree Programme in Taxation Laws has a teaching staff that includes tax professionals from prestigious law firms such as Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira, as well as members of the Spanish Tax Agency, judges and university professors.

The Master’s programme is headed by Luis Manuel Alonso, working in coordination with Diego Pellegrino, a UIC professor of Administrative Law, and the lawyers Carles Puig, Álvaro Escuder and Jaume Duch from the law firm Cuatrecasas, Gonçalves Pereira.