
Magda Bosch Publishes «El poder de la belleza»

El poder de la belleza (The Power of Beauty), a book by UIC Humanities professor Magda Bosch, was recently released by EUNSA publishers. In the book, Dr. Bosch analyses the concept of beauty and its influence on the human soul.

Dr. Bosch’s book takes the form of a series of questions and answers, such as why beauty has the power to fascinate and how objective our concepts of beauty are. From these and many other questions, she develops her main theme, namely, the importance people place on beauty and its power to please and provide comfort.

The idea of writing about beauty grew from the research done by the author at the Universidad de Navarra in 2001, the Schelling Kommission in 2004 and Ludwig Maximilians Universität in 2008.

After conducting her research, Dr. Bosch decided to publish her study because it included findings that could “help people overcome the frivolous, distorted concept of beauty, which pays too much attention to physical aspects and often overlooks the immeasurably high value of each individual person”.

Dr. Bosch studied Philosophy at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), where she won the Prize for Extraordinary Undergraduate Achievement in 1992. In 1996 she defended her thesis, Metafísica de la intencionalidad (The Metaphysics of Intentionality), and went on to teach classes on metaphysics and theory of knowledge at the UB. She has been a lecturer in Philosophy at the UIC’s Faculty of Humanities since 1998 and has published numerous articles on subjects such as the anthropology of intentionality and freedom; the body, face and identity; and the aesthetics of the Romantic Period.