
Managing Director of LaVanguardia.com Discusses Models of Online Journalism

On Friday, 22 February 2013, José Luís Rodríguez discussed LaVanguardia.com's recent implementation of subscription fees in a lecture for third-year journalism students. The lecture was part of the subject Online Journalism Projects.

During the lecture, Rodríguez analysed the elements that need to be kept in mind when starting an online news business, how traditional media outlets have adapted to the Internet and how they earn income from their users.

The managing director of the online newspaper went over the different types and formats of advertising and business models that are currently found in digital media and analysed the specific model used by LaVanguardia.com. The online edition of the Catalan newspaper has begun to require readers to purchase a subscription to view content in its Editorial section created for the print edition. Subscription is also required to access its popular "La Contra" section, which features regular interviews on the last page of the print edition. Until recently, both were available on line free of charge.

Rodríguez also reminded the future journalists that, in the context of climate change, it is important for this new generation of communicators to remember their journalistic calling. After encouraging the students in this regard, the speaker went on to consider the many professional opportunities available thanks to the new prospects created by online journalism.