
Manolo Gallego Speaks on 'The Project as a Process of Change'

On Thursday, 16 February 2012, architect Manolo Gallego gave a lecture at the Architecture Institute of Catalonia (COAC) with the title "The Project as a Process of Change" as part of the 2012 Forums subject at the ESARQ School of Architecture.

than 50 people attended the architect's lecture, in which he demonstrated his
architectural method through five projects that are already complete or in
progress. He also showed the audience some photos of a project he is currently
working on, the future Museum
of Santiago and the

Gallego pointed out that all of his projects
have one thing in common: a commitment to the site to revive both the public
space and the surroundings in terms of spatial planning.

five projects included in
Manolo Gallego's presentation
are located in Galicia and share the architect's unique perspective on the meaning
of “local”: "To me, “local” doesn't mean focusing on the past, but
sensitively observing the surroundings and the unique characteristics of the
site in order to exploit the inertia of each project; in other words, adapting
and changing the space and the direction of things."

the end of the lecture, the architecture opened up the floor to questions from
the audience. A student from the ESARQ School of Architecture asked what path
he should follow in these times of crisis. The architect replied, "Each
person must find his own path, a reasonable path that excites and motivates
him". According to
Gallego, the most
important thing to remember is "not to create problems with your
architecture, but to resolve needs and make the most of the opportunities
presented by the site".

ESARQ School of Architecture has organized these lectures in order to teach
students to look at architecture with a critical eye and reflect on it. The aim
of this is to promote a more professional vision that will help prepare them
for their future careers.
