
Maria Mut: «A Double Degree with Humanities Is a Magnificent Opportunity for Students»

On Friday, 21 November 2014, the UIC’s Faculty of Humanities held a conference under the title of Humanize Yourself and Do Whatever You Want, which aimed to demonstrate the wide range of career options offered by a degree in the Humanities. The event included a roundtable discussion in which the academics Pedro García del Barrio, José Corcó and Maria Mut explained the advantages of studying a double degree.

During the conference, the secondary school students participated in a series of workshops related to different aspects of culture. The workshops were run by Roberta Tencia, a coordinator of cultural programmes, and Josep Font Sentias, a cultural manager who previously worked as the director of the Museum of Granollers and is a founding partner of the company ARTImetria. 

In the final session, García del Barrio, Corcó and Mut – the coordinators of the different double degrees in Humanities – all agreed that this particular academic field would help students to stand out. By way of example, Mut explained that students at the most prestigious universities in the United States study double degrees in Law and the Humanities: during their first years they receive a grounding in Humanities, before progressing onto legal studies in their final years. 

"A double degree with Humanities is a magnificent opportunity for students to obtain a dual qualification in a short amount of time", said Mut, who lectures at the UIC's Faculty of Law. “The UIC's double degree programmes boast optimum organization and no difficult scheduling, with no overlapping or repeated subjects", she continued.

The Humanities with Law double degree programme, which Mut directs, is one of the best examples of the coherence and complementarity of two degrees that fit together perfectly. “A lawyer with a grounding only in Law will not be able to prepare an excellent defence strategy, for example”, Mut went on. “In contrast, a judge who has a good understanding of a particular culture or religion, with a sound base in the Humanities, will be able to make decisions that are much more beneficial from a social perspective”.

The objective of the Humanize Yourself and Do Whatever You Want conference is the same each year: namely, to demonstrate to secondary school students the wide range of career opportunities offered by a degree in the Humanities, in fields such as cultural management, cooperation, development, intercultural relations and cultural communication.