
María Teresa Luis, Emeritus Professor at the University of Barcelona and author of the book Los Diagnósticos Enfermeros, patron at the graduation ceremony for students from the Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing

On 2 June, the Aula Magna at UIC Barcelona hosted the graduation ceremony for students from the Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and University Master’s Degree in Clinical Research. The person asked to act as patron for the 2017 graduating class was Maria Teresa Luis, whose speech hinged on the significant changes nursing has undergone throughout history.

The graduation ceremony also featured Dr Albert Balaguer, dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, and Dr Cristina Monforte, vice-dean of Nursing. Following the Dean’s opening remarks, Dr Monforte dedicated a few tender words to the new nurses, noting that, “we have learned from your hopes and dreams, your camaraderie, your enthusiasm and your courage. You are now nurses, and that is a great responsibility, because society needs good, committed professionals”. The Vice-Dean also paid tribute to journalist Carles Capdevila, patron at the 2016 graduation ceremony, who recently passed away and who throughout his illness praised the outstanding work of nursing professionals.

Following these remarks, the floor was handed to Maria Teresa Luis, Emeritus Professor in the School of Nursing at the University of Barcelona and author of Los Diagnósticos Enfermeros [Nursing Diagnoses], bedtime reading for all nursing professionals. According to Ms Luis, who boasts extensive experience as a nurse, “I am particularly pleased to act as patron at this event, because I feel I am completing a circle. I am leaving the profession, and you are just now entering.” Throughout her speech, Maria Teresa Luis reflected on the changes nursing has undergone over the years, placing particular emphasis on the current situation and future of the profession. To conclude, she reminded the graduates that, “you are the future. You have to dream and work hard to achieve your goals. To turn into resources that which has always been a weakness of nursing, to lend value to the perspective of the nursing profession through knowledge acquisition and to make our tasks as nurses more visible”.

This was followed by the award of diplomas and speeches by student representatives from both the degree and master’s degree programmes.

The event concluded with the traditional singing of "Gaudeamus Igitur”.