
Mario Castillo Freyre Gives Lecture on Arbitration Today

On Monday, 20 February 2012, Dr. Mario Castillo Freyre, a full professor of Civil Law at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and a founding member of the Mario Castillo Freyre law firm, delivered a lecture as part of the Procedural Law course.

First- to
fifth-year Law students at the UIC attended the session in which Castillo Freyre spoke about current arbitration
in different countries, with particular emphasis on Peru.

his lecture, Dr. Castillo Freyre said,
"Arbitration has gained huge momentum in Peru because of the reform of the
Public Assembly Act of 1997".
The professor went on to say, "This law forces public administrations to include
an arbitration clause in all contracts".

then discussed the current challenges faced by arbitration in both Peru and Spain. Dr. Castillo Freyre concluded by talking about the situation in
and said, "It is essential to implement reforms if arbitration
is to become a genuine alternative method in conflict resolution".

lecture was delivered as part of a series of sessions organized by the UIC
Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences with the aim of providing students with
careers advice to enable them to face the reality of working life successfully.