
Marisa Ridao Highlights Importance of Science as a Vocation at Nursing Graduation Ceremony

Marisa Ridao, a nurse specializing in healthcare management and policy, was the keynote speaker at the graduation ceremony for the bachelor's degree programme in Nursing and the official Master's programme in Nursing Sciences. The ceremony was presided over by Dr Belén Zárate, the Vice Rector for the University Community, and Dr Cristina Monforte, the Director of the Department of Nursing at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.

Ridao began her talk by congratulating the new graduates and then emphasized that their main objective should be to work towards scientific and professional excellence in nursing. She reminded them that they had made a commitment to their profession and, for this reason, should continue to undergo training in the future. Ridao then went on to speak about the values that they should hold dear as nurses, namely, compassion and mercy, in order to learn how to go beyond mere empathy for the patient and instead “take an interest in easing the suffering of those around you”.

Nursing Department Director Dr Cristina Monforte told the new graduates that the UIC “trusts you to transform the value society gives to the concept of healing”, and reminded them that, in the nursing profession, “it’s not enough to simply be competent; you need to have a real commitment to caring for patients”. She had some special words for the graduates of the Master’s programme and affirmed that, after two years of study, they “should be capable of implementing projects that improve healthcare practices and the quality of care”.

Finally, Dr Zárate reminded the new graduates that, as she had informed them on their first day at the university, “being a university student gives you a stamp that you will bear throughout your lives”. She urged them not to forget the fundamental principles of the training they received at the UIC, namely, focusing on the individual, striving for professional excellence, being committed to society and seeking out the truth.

The graduation ceremony was brought to a close with the presentation of the diplomas, emotional speeches from the student representatives from the bachelor’s and Master’s programmes and, finally, a rendition of the traditional song Gaudeamus Igitur.