
Marta Crispí discusses the iconography of Saint Mary Magdalene in her conference of the 2nd Colour and Culture Seminar Series

Lecturer of Humanities Marta Crispí gave a conference titled “The Woman in Red. Mary Magdalene in Catalan Gothic Painting, Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries” in the 2nd Colour and Culture Seminar Series at the Ángel Áyala Institute of Humanities at the Universidad CEU, organised by Dr Lourdes García Ureña, of the Universidad CEU San Pablo; Dr Emanuela Valerian, GIR, LECOBI (Religious Research Group, The Language of Colour in the Bible)(PC06/0720) and Dr Mónica Durán Mañas, of the University of Granada.

The conference was included within the line of research that the all three doctors promote in a multidisciplinary research group that focuses on colour in the Bible and that was presented at the Annual Conference of the European Association of Biblical Studies (EABS). In her presentation, Marta Crispí discussed the iconography of one of the most popular saints of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries in Europe, Saint Mary Magdalene, through her specific representation in gothic altarpieces, in which canonical and apocryphal texts are combined as a source of inspiration.